The Birdhouse

being an intelligent blogger

I think I will always be scared of sounding stupid. Group projects are still the bane of my existence as a college student, now that my grade actually matters and I have to take charge (for the irrational fear my group members would flounder without my big-brained guidance) without sounding bossy and throw my ideas into the void of the echoic groupchat without feedback.

When blogging, this fear subsides somewhat. By this I mean my writer's voice as I have trained it is automatically wordy, so I don't need to worry about sounding like a total doofus when blogging about my daily happenings, but I feel the insecurity creep in every now and then. Should I be more intelligent when blogging? Does my writing deserve to share a platform with posts that have brought me to tears, inspired me, changed me? Am I worth reading?

Maybe I shouldn't worry so much. I do well in school, despite my efforts being minimal at best (spare for when it comes time to write that mic-dropping paper), and those who have read my writing tell me they loved it, or it inspired them, or they'll think about it for a long time. I have a friend I haven't spoken to in real life in over two years who still reaches out to ask if I've written anything recently. Everyone around me thinks of me as a writer, even when I don't think it of myself.

I think I'll always be scared of sounding stupid, but blogging into the void has helped me realize even my most mundane blogs still sound like me, and maybe that's not such a bad thing.